Florida Veteran Health Heroes

VETERAN AND SPOUSE FEE WAIVER TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE A Temporary Certificate to Practice in an Area of Critical Need was also established in 2014 for active-duty commissioned medical officers and veterans who served at least 10 years (for allopathic and osteopathic physicians). There is no application fee for physicians seeking this certificate. In 2016, a temporary certificate was established, allowing for active-duty military health care practitioners to practice on a military platform. A military platform is defined as a military training agreement with a nonmilitary health care provider that is designed to develop and support medical, surgical, or other health care treatment opportunities in a nonmilitary health care provider setting to authorize a military health care practitioner to develop and maintain the technical proficiency necessary to meet the present and future health care needs of the United States Armed Forces. The license is valid for six months but is renewable with proof of continuing military orders for an active-duty assignment and evidence of continuation as a Military Platform participant. 08 MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE | 2023 FLORIDA VETERAN HEALTH HEROES VALOR Military pathways expanded significantly in 2014, including expedited licenses for recently discharged, or soon-to-be discharged, active-duty service members through the Florida Veterans Application for Licensure Online Response System (VALOR). Application fees, initial licensure fees, and unlicensed activity fees are removed through this pathway, and spouses of active-duty service members may also be eligible for expedited licensing. MILITARY PLATFORM Previous Five-Year Totals 1,665 In 2014, additional fee waivers were applied to veterans and their spouses when the veteran was honorably discharged within 6 months from the time the application for licensure was submitted. Qualifying veterans and their spouses may receive a fee waiver of fees associated with the initial licensing process for most health care professions. Previous Five-Year Totals 6,442 Previous Five-Year Totals 6